Thursday, September 26, 2013

60 Ways to Walk

Written by Andrea Metcalf originally for Fit Studio
We’re big fans of walking at FitStudio. You can catch us comparing steps on our pedometers (click here to check out our favorite model!) and taking our sit-down meetings to foot. That got us thinking about how to spice up this basic exercise. So, we drummed up 60 creative twists that’ll keep your stride fun and fresh. Strap on your walking shoes; you’re in for a treat!
1. Walk flirty, wearing a pair of shiny, red heels.
2. Walk with your dog.
3. Walk holding hands with your kids or mate.
4. Walk during a business conference call.
5. Walk with a spiritual mind-set.
6. Walk with one eye closed.
7. Walk barefoot.
8. Walk in a park, and admire nature.
9. Walk and send texts.
10. Walk with a pedometer.
11. Walk and take pictures.
12. Walk wearing a weighted vest.
13. Walk holding light hand weights.
14. Walk and bounce a basketball.
15. Walk and throw a baseball from one hand to the other.
16. Walk pushing a stroller.
17. Walk pulling a wagon.
18. Walk balancing a book on your head.
19. Walk while carrying your child on your shoulders.
20. Walk wearing a heart rate monitor.
21. Walk with walking sticks and burn up to 30 percent more calories.
22. Walk wearing hiking boots.
23. Walk wearing toning shoes.
24. Walk wearing shaper flip flops.
25. Walk wearing compression clothes.
26. Walk on a treadmill.
27. Walk on an incline trainer.
28. “Walk” on pogo sticks.
29. “Walk” on a trampoline.
30. Walk backwards.
31. Walk sideways in a grapevine pattern.
32. Walk with a gallop.
33. Walk uphill.
34. Walk downhill.
35. Walk upstairs.
36. Walk downstairs.
37. Walk with alternating lunges.
38. Walk in a figure eight pattern.
39. Walk on your toes, like a ballerina.
40. Walk on your heels.
41. Walk while throwing punches in the air.
42. Walk holding your arms overhead.
43. Walk twisting side to side to work your waist.
44. Walk, like an Egyptian.
45. Walk with high knees.
46. Walk, like a solider, kicking your legs straight into the air.
47. Walk on your hands!
48. “Walk” doing a bear crawl.
49. Walk, like a crab, belly facing up.
50. Walk, like a frog, and jump your feet toward your hands.
51. “Walk” doing cartwheels.
52. Walk like a monkey, dragging your hands by your ankles.
53. Walk, like a racewalker.
54. Walk and sing.
55. Walk and wave, like Miss America.
56. Walk and smile at people you pass.
57. Walk and swing your arms in circles.
58. Walk and think of a good childhood memory.
59. Walk in the buff.
60. Walk dreaming of ways to walk tomorrow.
Don’t forget to check out our walking-based, multi-week workout program, Naked Fitness, and get in the best shape of your life. Click here to sign up!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ten Things You Should Know About Almonds

10 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Almonds 

Whether you like the crunch of a cinnamon roasted almond or the smoothness of almond nut butter, it seems there are many reasons to love almonds.... here are few things you probably didn’t know about almonds:

  1. Almonds rely on bees.  If there are no bees there are no nuts.  Bees help pollenate the almond trees and are shared almond California farmers during the short cycle of pollination in the spring.
  2. Almonds are a great snack source for maintaining and even losing weight. Although 1.5 ounces of almonds are the recommended snack.  Having a handful a day may help curb the hunger that comes in the afternoon when metabolism drops and cortisol levels rise.
  3. Northern California provides 80% of the almonds to the world including some 90 countries and 100% to the US -Like wine, the valley and cool breezes help the almonds grow at their best.
  4. Almond production has since doubled over the last ten years.  Over1.85 billion pounds of almonds are expected in the 2013 harvest this fall.
  5. Almonds have 6 grams of protein and 3.5 grams of fiber in a 1 ounce serving.
  6. Almonds are high in antioxidants including: magnesium copper, Vitamin B6, folate, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin E, calcium and iron.
  7. Almonds may have 20% fewer calories than originally suggested. The latest research is under review for label changes as early as 2015.
  8. Almonds are in more forms than any other nut including: milk, whole, raw, slivered, blanched, roasted, oils, butters, pastes, extracts and even covered in dark chocolate, my favorite!
  9. The tall, blonde almonds are the highest desired shape of the almond family. - Not all almonds are created equally.
  10. It takes a whole year for almonds to come to harvest. 

Having one ounce of almonds a day may make you happier, healthier and nuttier!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Five Steps to Living Healthy

Everyone wants the secret to losing weight and my top five ways to lose weight aren’t just about exercise. If you’re looking to lose a few or just live a bit healthier check out my tips on how to look, live and feel your best in five easy steps. (This post is sponsored by Yoplait but my love of fruit and good yogurt is 100% my own.)
1Take a hike! Getting outdoors is a not only refreshing but can boost your energy levels as well.. If you can’t get to a mountain, just taking a walk and noticing the neighborhood can open up your mind, reduce stressful cortisol levels and even burn a few calories. Plus the exercise revs up your metabolism and can help you get a better night’s rest. Wear a comfortable hiking shoe or walking shoe that provides stability and cushion.
2. Be Fruitful! The key to a great diet is eating more fruits and vegetables. a new Yoplait family member is Yoplait Fruitful which contains 1/3 cup of real fruit. Plus it has the benefits of yogurt that’s high in calcium and live active cultures or “probiotics”. Probiotics are the good bacteria that help promote digestive health while fruit provides the anti-oxidants you need to boost your immune system. Everyone needs to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
3.Jump on it! Believe it or not jumping whether with a rope or not helps the body build muscle and coordination. Adding jump rope or jumping on one foot can help strengthen the lower body stabilizer muscles and improve your overall muscle tone. It also is a great intense form of cardio, so alternate 30 seconds of jumping rope or hopping forward and back on one foot with a strength move to create an fat blasting bootcamp style workout. Check out Insanity workouts which combine many of these jump style moves into progressing workouts. 
4. Veg out. As important as fruits are to your health, veggies may even provide more vitality. Vegetables have higher levels of fiber compared to many fruits as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Tomatoes have lycopene and peppers have caspian both great anti-inflammatory foods to add to your diet to help your body’s metabolic processes. Many diseases including cancer and cardiovascular diseases can be reduced with eating five vegetables a day.
5.Drink Up! Water makes up 72% of your muscles and 73% of your brain and heart tissues. Making sure you are drinking enough water daily can start with a glass before each meal and one before bed and upon waking. Water should be substituted for higher calorie beverages or alternated. Although knowing whether 6-8 glasses of water is enough for you, it really comes down to your body’s excretion system. Clear urine means you’re probably hydrated. Being thristy means you’re behind and need to catch up!
Be among the first to experience the goodness of new Yoplait Fruitful, with a $.30 off couponavailable to download at the product website.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My Fitness Reminiscence (In 450 Words)

Written for Andrea Metcalf: for FitStudio

It seems as though the people who are most successful in reaching their fitness goals are those who’ve made truly made exercise a habit. It’s not something on their to-do list—it’s part of who they are. If it takes rolling out of bed at 5:30am to do their daily walk or run, then that’s what they do.
I was one of those people.
I’d been teaching more than twenty classes a week for more than twenty years. Fitness was second nature to me. Then, my life changed course: I got divorced and my career changed direction.
My ex and I owned a gym together, and I sold my share. For the first time in forever, I wasn’t teaching multiple classes—I was standing in front of TV cameras as a fitness expert and traveling nearly every week. Ironically, the more I talked about fitness, the less I actually practiced it. I felt out of sorts–I wasn’t myself. The only way to get back on track was to be honest about what was happening. These are the three truths I faced head on.
Looking good doesn’t mean I’m in shape.
My weight hadn’t changed; my clothes still fit; I was still involved with fitness research and media. But I felt a decline in my body and mind that others didn’t notice. I felt tired and not as motivated, and I couldn’t deny it.
Doing it for somebody else doesn’t work.
Last year, I was presented with the opportunity to run a marathon. Although I’m not a runner, I thought it would be the motivation I needed to get back in shape. Unfortunately, I loathed training. I cried almost every time I had to run. Ten weeks in, I completed a half marathon in the slowest time you can imagine. Six weeks before the marathon, I quit. That’s not something I do often, but I had to put my pride aside.
Rediscover my passion, and embrace it.
Once I identified the physical reason I was lethargic (low iron, low Vitamin B and D and hormone changes affecting my thyroid), I also asked myself what my life was missing. The answer was teaching. It took me years to realize how much my love for fitness was connected to me leading a class. So, now I teach whenever I can, and because of that, I’m enjoying exercise again. I even ran two miles the other morning and found myself smiling at the end, covered in sweat.
The moral of the story is that you, too, can be one of those people who hit their exercise stride. It may take some time and soul searching to get there. But don’t give up. It’s worth the wait.