Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Why You Need To Eat Summer’s All American Fruit: Watermelon

It is sweetest in the summer and the iconic green fruit with the fleshy, sweet center: WATERMELON.   But not only does this fruit make for a great dessert at a picnic, but there are several other reasons to eat more watermelon.

  1. Make your heart healthy. Your heart will love watermelon for its high content of lycopene.  Although most people have heard that lycopene is found in tomatoes and the benefits for heart health but lycopene is what makes watermelon red with those same benefits. Keep in mind, watermelon also has potassium which is a key nutrient for heart function.   
  2. Make your bones stronger. Due to the high potassium content in watermelon, it can strengthen your bones indirectly.   Potassium helps retain calcium which helps build strong bones. 
  3. Helps you lose weight. Because watermelon is 90% water and low in calories, it’s a great cheat food for your diet.  Also keep in mind a whole watermelon only has XXX calories.  Could you eat one yourself?
  4. Helps you fight off colds and flu  Watermelon has high levels of vitamin C.  Vitamin C plays an important role in healing wounds and boosting your immunity. 
  5. Helps boost your boyfriend’s sex drive. Believe it or not, watermelon may be a natural viagra.  According to a study from Texas A& M, citruline the amino acid in watermelon, increases arousal in males.  Serve it up in a spritzer or slice it up on date night instead of the little blue pills.

Although watermelon season is limited for most parts of the country, make sure you get while its hot~literally. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Best Workout DVD's for Women in Your Thirties

Each decade brings on new challenges for our fitness and health.  In your thirties, many changes occur.  It's your best year for establishing your career, a great year for motherhood and a great year to discover your strength and fitness regimen that can last a lifetime.

If you're new to exercise, the 10 Minute Solution Butt Lift is a great DVD to try.  The simple formats of ten minute increments can be a wonderful way to get you started in small bite size moments. Incremental exercise is as effective as steady state work and the key is to get 30 minutes total in each day.

Another favorite is Element Barre Conditioning.  This beautifully shot barre workout takes you to a new mindset of form, grace and a vacation destination you can lose yourself in while getting a great workout.  Barre classes are getting loads of press for the strong yet balanced movements.  Whether you're taking a class or practicing with a fitness DVD like this one, you'll feel longer, toned and walk away with better posture after just a few sessions.

Lastly check out the trusted health branded series by Weight Watchers.  Their 15-Minute Bootcamp by Anchor Bay pushes you to a higher intensity calorie burning bootcamp workout.  Fifteen minute increments help make bootcamp achievable.

No matter what your age, every day is a good day to get started and the convenience of DVD's make fitness at home an great way to start.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Mistakes Women Make in the Gym

Written by Andrea Metcalf 
Gym Mistakes
If it seems you are not seeing the results you want after spending hours in the gym, maybe it's what you are doing there that you should be thinking about. Here are five mistakes that women make in the gym.
1. No heavy lifting. 
Although many women understand the benefits of strength training, still we hear women worrying about bulking up and avoiding the dumbbells. Weight training, especially for women over 40, can help transform your body and increase lean muscle mass. Think about lifting heavy enough weights or performing enough repetitions to feel your muscles fatigue. When you are muscles get tired, they are sure to get stronger.
2. Holding on.
There are hand rails on every cardio piece of equipment in the gym including the treadmills, elliptical and even handle bars for the upright bikes, but holding on when doing cardio eliminates your core muscles stabilizing the body and coordinating balance muscles. That means you are getting less calorie form and results from your workout. Try to stay upright with abdominals pulled in, breathing down into the belly and letting go of the rails. On some pieces of equipment like the ellipticals, you may be challenged. But keep in mind, it is better to hold on and let go gradually than fall off!
3. Skipping the mirror. 
Sometimes we don't love what we see in the mirror and therefore avoid seeing ourselves in one at all costs. But the mirror gives up great feedback when working out. It helps us see our form, so that we can correct it and get more out of each exercise. Make sure when you are performing strength work to see and connect your mind with the muscles you are working. Guys do it all the time -- they focus and concentrate and watch their every move. Stop thinking they are watching yours, and watch your own form.
4. Post fuel fail. 
Men get it right by taking a post-workout supplement with protein, while many women skip the protein drinks after their workout because they don't realize the impact of having a protein drink, which helps replenish and rebuild muscles. This helps your metabolism burn more calories and slim your shape. Make sure you are getting at least 15 grams of protein post workout and watch the calories -- keep those under 200.
5. Cardio daydream. 
Have you ever watched the glazed over eyes of someone on a treadmill reading a book or watching TV? It is not wrong to multitask, but realize that when you read or watch TV on a treadmill leisurely you burn considerably fewer calories, due to lack of focused movement patterns, because you are holding onto the rails to stay tuned into TV. That means you have to stay on the equipment twice as long! Make your cardio efficient and push yourself to breathlessness. Sprint, climb or increase the pace even for a minute, then recover. The interval bursts do two great things for your body: they increase your aerobic capacity (so skiing in altitude is easier!) and burn more calories than steady-state work.
Don't waste your time and efforts when you can be seeing a healthier you in half the time. Push yourself ladies, and let's see those smiling faces when bikini beach season hits.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Free Classes at the NEW Vie Custom Fitness

Written by: Andrea Metcalf
There is a big trend in “barre” classes these days with gyms dedicated to soley these types of classes like The Barre Method in the Gold Coast or Barbee Fit in Lincoln Park. Even Flirty Girl Fitness has two barre classes on their schedule with Vertical Barre Fit and Length Traiing classes. But a new comer to the market place is offering “The Ultimate Barre Class” called Cie La Plie at Vie Custom Fitness.
But whether you’re leaving home to attend a class or trying a few moves at home, these simple barre moves can be performed with a solid chair or barstool.
Leg Swings Front - Standing one hand on the chair swing your leg front to back opening the front of the thigh and hamstring. This is a great exercise for anyone who is a runner, sits many hours in a day or has low back pain. Swing front to back for 10-12 repetitions and repeat on the other side.
Leg Swings Across - Standing one hand on the chair swing your leg across the body keeping foot pointed up towards the ceiling. This dynamic stretch opens the IT band ( iliotibia band) which tichtens and puts pressure on the lower back. Thus this is another great exercise for anyone who is a runner, sits many hours in a day or has low back pain. Swing side to side for 10-12 repetitions and repeat on the other side.
Jete - A “jete is a straight leg kick. Perform 8 kicks straight ahead, 8 kicks to the front corner, then rear corner and straight behind. Be sure to have one hand onto the base to remain standing tall, with abs pulled in and chest lifted.
Demi Side Kick. With a slight lean onto the base lift leg to the side. Holding leg parallel to the side bring knee to chest and contract abs, then extend leg to the side. This pulled in knee and kick should be performed with a long stretch at the kicking portion and perofrmed 12-15 times then repeated on the other side.
Vie Custom Fitness will be offering FREE classes on Monday and Wednesday 6am and 6:15pm as well as Wednesdays at 9am the weeks of December 9th and 16th. Sign up at www.VieCustomFitness.com
For more information check out the segment on NBC Chicago Saturday Nov. 30th. Thanks to my demo models and awesome fitness instructors:
Natalia (Coach Natalia) Teaches Advanced Bikini Boot Camp at Flirty Girl Fitness Sundays at noon. It is the only advanced class on the schedule.
Lisa teaches pole dance and yoga at Flirty Girl Fitness. She is passionate about pole dance and hopes to compete professionally this year. www.facebook.com/LisaMichelleLove

Monday, November 25, 2013

Is Touching Your Toes a Stretch? Try Flexibility Training 101

Written by Andrea Metcalf: Orginialy for FitStudio
Is Touching Your Toes a Stretch? Try Flexibility Training 101
You can bend over and reach for your toes all you want. But until you stretch and strengthen the muscles involved in this movement, you may never be able to touch your toes!
How many people do you know who’ve said to you, “I’m just not flexible”? But the fact is, everyone can improve in this area. Flexibility is the range of motion around a joint: a knee, a shoulder, a hip, a neck. This range of motion is determined by the strength of the muscles surrounding the joint.
You can increase your flexibility in three ways:
  1. Stretching
  2. Strengthening
  3. Circulating (increasing the blood flow in your muscles).


In stretching, we use movement to increase the length of a muscle surrounding a joint. There are two types of stretching: dynamic and static.
Dynamic. When you engage in dynamic stretching, you move through a range of motion. For example, you might swing a leg front to back to stretch the hamstring. This is a great warm-up activity, and it helps reduce your risk of injury.
Static. This form of stretching involves maintaining a particular position for a period of time. For example, you might place your foot on a block and lean forward, stretching the rear leg and hold that position. This type of stretching is more suitable for cooling down following a workout.


When one muscle group grows stronger than an opposing muscle group near a joint, flexibility declines. For example, you might find it difficult to touch your toes if your hip flexors (in the front of your body) are stronger than your glutes and hamstrings (in the back). When a muscle imbalance occurs, the weaker muscles shorten to keep a joint in a fixed position. The solution is to add strength to those muscles.


When the blood flow to a muscle increases, that blood delivers nutrients, gets rid of waste products and promotes healing and growth. Massage and acupuncture are great ways to increase blood flow to your muscles. You might also consider investing in a foam roller. You can do a variety of exercises with this simple piece of equipment.
For more information on increasing your flexibility, consult my book Naked Fitness. This book presents a new approach to using stretches and exercises to improve your health, boost your fitness and lose weight.

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Maintain-Your-Weight Campaign

Written by Andrea Metcalf
The Maintain-Your-Weight Campaign
It’s the season for comfort food. And we all know that too much comfort food can bring on uncomfortable weight-gain. It can happen easier than you think. In the 10 weeks leading up to the New Year, eating as few as 250 additional calories daily (that could be one cocktail!) can equate to five pounds of unwanted fat. If you consider the added stress of shopping and pushing aside your exercise routine for quality family time, the damage can be even greater.
In spite of the odds, it’s still possible to keep the scale from ticking upwards. Follow our three-step plan to stay ahead of the eight ball when the New Year’s ball drops.
Just move. Many people believe that they should skip a workout if they can’t do a full 45 minutes in one fell swoop. That’s not the case — you can still stay active. Walk at every opportunity. Park further away from the entrance to the store or work; take the stairs instead of the elevator; do a mini stroll after each meal. The point is to just stay on your feet. Wear apedometer, and aim to increase your steps taken each day.
Eat consciously. We’re not saying you can’t enjoy a slice of pecan pie — just be smart about it. Keep portions small when you indulge, or split it with a family member. Choose a glass of wine or champagne instead of a sugary mixed cocktail. Go without gravy. Stay hydrated to avoid mistaking hunger for thirst. And if you taste a dish that doesn’t live up to its billing (it will happen), stop and put down your fork. Every calorie you eat should be worth it.
Pair up. It’s not easy sticking to a diet or exercise program, especially when your family might unwittingly throw you off course. Team up with an ally, someone who’ll support your efforts, stick up for you if Aunt Milly mocks your “rules,” and help block food-pushers, if necessary. That person can also be a listening ear, in case you need to vent — the holidays often make all sorts of feelings emerge. Besides, it’s the season of sharing. Make it work for you.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Five Small Changes for a Healthier, Happier Life

Small changes can result in big results. This is a motto I have helped people believe in and see the real possibilities by making a few small adjustments to their daily routines. Healthier people have healthier sex lives, live longer and tend to happier. Here are five simple things you can do to be healthier this week.
Five Simple Steps:
  1. Wake to WaterStarting tomorrow, drink one large glass of water within ten minutes of waking up. Hydration is key to metabolism, glowing skin and a well functioning brain. The amount of good that happens from this simple zero calorie addition to your daily routine is amazing.
  2. Mirror, Mirror. Positive mantras help change the brain waves as well as change the way you think. Research shows us that every thought and emotion provides an effect on cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and even brain function. Starting your day with a positive mantra or writing a positive thought in a journal can change the way your day unfolds. Even sharing a positive thought on social media can make a bigger impact on the universe.
  3. Big Breakfast Break. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We’ve heard this before! But a new study showed two groups eating 1400 calories a day for weight loss losing weight over three months. However, the group that ate 700 calories for breakfast, 400 calories at lunch and a 300 calorie dinner lost on the average 10 pounds more than the group that ate this in reverse, 300 calorie breakfast, 400 calorie lunch and 700 calorie dinner. Other good reasons include that people who eat a healthy breakfast are less likely to snack throughout the day and do better on test scores. And don’t be afraid to bring on the bacon- 2 slices provide 9 grams of protein and only 80 calories - same as one hard boiled egg.
  4. Power up Protein. Protein helps stabilize blood sugar as well as rebuild cells, improve your immune system which means you won’t be as hungry when you combine it will any meal. What most people don’t realize is that women need on the average 80 grams of protein and men 100 grams. Most people are not getting these numbers... are you?
  5. Ten Minute Matters. Even ten minutes of moderate exercise can help reduce the risk of the top three diseases including: heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and most cancers. Exercising daily in three ten-minute sessions can result in the minimum 150 minutes of exercise that the American College of Sports Medicine recommends for better health and longer life. Walking before or after each meal can help you get those exercise sessions in without much planning or equipment. Just take a walk!
These are small simple things you can do to improve your health? You’re worth making the changes that can give you a longer, healthier, happier life!- Aren’t you?
Andrea Metcalf is a healthy lifestyle spokesperson and one of America’s top fitness experts. She helps inspire change in hundreds of people’s lives everyday and is author of “Naked Fitness, a 28 Day Proven Weight Loss Program for a Slimmer, Fitter, Pain-free Body” and more than a dozen fitness DVD’s. As seen on national television including the NBC Today Show, Better TV and GMA Health, Andrea shares her tips and advice to get people moving. www.AndreaMetcalf.com