Friday, December 6, 2013

Free Classes at the NEW Vie Custom Fitness

Written by: Andrea Metcalf
There is a big trend in “barre” classes these days with gyms dedicated to soley these types of classes like The Barre Method in the Gold Coast or Barbee Fit in Lincoln Park. Even Flirty Girl Fitness has two barre classes on their schedule with Vertical Barre Fit and Length Traiing classes. But a new comer to the market place is offering “The Ultimate Barre Class” called Cie La Plie at Vie Custom Fitness.
But whether you’re leaving home to attend a class or trying a few moves at home, these simple barre moves can be performed with a solid chair or barstool.
Leg Swings Front - Standing one hand on the chair swing your leg front to back opening the front of the thigh and hamstring. This is a great exercise for anyone who is a runner, sits many hours in a day or has low back pain. Swing front to back for 10-12 repetitions and repeat on the other side.
Leg Swings Across - Standing one hand on the chair swing your leg across the body keeping foot pointed up towards the ceiling. This dynamic stretch opens the IT band ( iliotibia band) which tichtens and puts pressure on the lower back. Thus this is another great exercise for anyone who is a runner, sits many hours in a day or has low back pain. Swing side to side for 10-12 repetitions and repeat on the other side.
Jete - A “jete is a straight leg kick. Perform 8 kicks straight ahead, 8 kicks to the front corner, then rear corner and straight behind. Be sure to have one hand onto the base to remain standing tall, with abs pulled in and chest lifted.
Demi Side Kick. With a slight lean onto the base lift leg to the side. Holding leg parallel to the side bring knee to chest and contract abs, then extend leg to the side. This pulled in knee and kick should be performed with a long stretch at the kicking portion and perofrmed 12-15 times then repeated on the other side.
Vie Custom Fitness will be offering FREE classes on Monday and Wednesday 6am and 6:15pm as well as Wednesdays at 9am the weeks of December 9th and 16th. Sign up at
For more information check out the segment on NBC Chicago Saturday Nov. 30th. Thanks to my demo models and awesome fitness instructors:
Natalia (Coach Natalia) Teaches Advanced Bikini Boot Camp at Flirty Girl Fitness Sundays at noon. It is the only advanced class on the schedule.
Lisa teaches pole dance and yoga at Flirty Girl Fitness. She is passionate about pole dance and hopes to compete professionally this year.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Is Touching Your Toes a Stretch? Try Flexibility Training 101

Written by Andrea Metcalf: Orginialy for FitStudio
Is Touching Your Toes a Stretch? Try Flexibility Training 101
You can bend over and reach for your toes all you want. But until you stretch and strengthen the muscles involved in this movement, you may never be able to touch your toes!
How many people do you know who’ve said to you, “I’m just not flexible”? But the fact is, everyone can improve in this area. Flexibility is the range of motion around a joint: a knee, a shoulder, a hip, a neck. This range of motion is determined by the strength of the muscles surrounding the joint.
You can increase your flexibility in three ways:
  1. Stretching
  2. Strengthening
  3. Circulating (increasing the blood flow in your muscles).


In stretching, we use movement to increase the length of a muscle surrounding a joint. There are two types of stretching: dynamic and static.
Dynamic. When you engage in dynamic stretching, you move through a range of motion. For example, you might swing a leg front to back to stretch the hamstring. This is a great warm-up activity, and it helps reduce your risk of injury.
Static. This form of stretching involves maintaining a particular position for a period of time. For example, you might place your foot on a block and lean forward, stretching the rear leg and hold that position. This type of stretching is more suitable for cooling down following a workout.


When one muscle group grows stronger than an opposing muscle group near a joint, flexibility declines. For example, you might find it difficult to touch your toes if your hip flexors (in the front of your body) are stronger than your glutes and hamstrings (in the back). When a muscle imbalance occurs, the weaker muscles shorten to keep a joint in a fixed position. The solution is to add strength to those muscles.


When the blood flow to a muscle increases, that blood delivers nutrients, gets rid of waste products and promotes healing and growth. Massage and acupuncture are great ways to increase blood flow to your muscles. You might also consider investing in a foam roller. You can do a variety of exercises with this simple piece of equipment.
For more information on increasing your flexibility, consult my book Naked Fitness. This book presents a new approach to using stretches and exercises to improve your health, boost your fitness and lose weight.

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Maintain-Your-Weight Campaign

Written by Andrea Metcalf
The Maintain-Your-Weight Campaign
It’s the season for comfort food. And we all know that too much comfort food can bring on uncomfortable weight-gain. It can happen easier than you think. In the 10 weeks leading up to the New Year, eating as few as 250 additional calories daily (that could be one cocktail!) can equate to five pounds of unwanted fat. If you consider the added stress of shopping and pushing aside your exercise routine for quality family time, the damage can be even greater.
In spite of the odds, it’s still possible to keep the scale from ticking upwards. Follow our three-step plan to stay ahead of the eight ball when the New Year’s ball drops.
Just move. Many people believe that they should skip a workout if they can’t do a full 45 minutes in one fell swoop. That’s not the case — you can still stay active. Walk at every opportunity. Park further away from the entrance to the store or work; take the stairs instead of the elevator; do a mini stroll after each meal. The point is to just stay on your feet. Wear apedometer, and aim to increase your steps taken each day.
Eat consciously. We’re not saying you can’t enjoy a slice of pecan pie — just be smart about it. Keep portions small when you indulge, or split it with a family member. Choose a glass of wine or champagne instead of a sugary mixed cocktail. Go without gravy. Stay hydrated to avoid mistaking hunger for thirst. And if you taste a dish that doesn’t live up to its billing (it will happen), stop and put down your fork. Every calorie you eat should be worth it.
Pair up. It’s not easy sticking to a diet or exercise program, especially when your family might unwittingly throw you off course. Team up with an ally, someone who’ll support your efforts, stick up for you if Aunt Milly mocks your “rules,” and help block food-pushers, if necessary. That person can also be a listening ear, in case you need to vent — the holidays often make all sorts of feelings emerge. Besides, it’s the season of sharing. Make it work for you.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Five Small Changes for a Healthier, Happier Life

Small changes can result in big results. This is a motto I have helped people believe in and see the real possibilities by making a few small adjustments to their daily routines. Healthier people have healthier sex lives, live longer and tend to happier. Here are five simple things you can do to be healthier this week.
Five Simple Steps:
  1. Wake to WaterStarting tomorrow, drink one large glass of water within ten minutes of waking up. Hydration is key to metabolism, glowing skin and a well functioning brain. The amount of good that happens from this simple zero calorie addition to your daily routine is amazing.
  2. Mirror, Mirror. Positive mantras help change the brain waves as well as change the way you think. Research shows us that every thought and emotion provides an effect on cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and even brain function. Starting your day with a positive mantra or writing a positive thought in a journal can change the way your day unfolds. Even sharing a positive thought on social media can make a bigger impact on the universe.
  3. Big Breakfast Break. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We’ve heard this before! But a new study showed two groups eating 1400 calories a day for weight loss losing weight over three months. However, the group that ate 700 calories for breakfast, 400 calories at lunch and a 300 calorie dinner lost on the average 10 pounds more than the group that ate this in reverse, 300 calorie breakfast, 400 calorie lunch and 700 calorie dinner. Other good reasons include that people who eat a healthy breakfast are less likely to snack throughout the day and do better on test scores. And don’t be afraid to bring on the bacon- 2 slices provide 9 grams of protein and only 80 calories - same as one hard boiled egg.
  4. Power up Protein. Protein helps stabilize blood sugar as well as rebuild cells, improve your immune system which means you won’t be as hungry when you combine it will any meal. What most people don’t realize is that women need on the average 80 grams of protein and men 100 grams. Most people are not getting these numbers... are you?
  5. Ten Minute Matters. Even ten minutes of moderate exercise can help reduce the risk of the top three diseases including: heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and most cancers. Exercising daily in three ten-minute sessions can result in the minimum 150 minutes of exercise that the American College of Sports Medicine recommends for better health and longer life. Walking before or after each meal can help you get those exercise sessions in without much planning or equipment. Just take a walk!
These are small simple things you can do to improve your health? You’re worth making the changes that can give you a longer, healthier, happier life!- Aren’t you?
Andrea Metcalf is a healthy lifestyle spokesperson and one of America’s top fitness experts. She helps inspire change in hundreds of people’s lives everyday and is author of “Naked Fitness, a 28 Day Proven Weight Loss Program for a Slimmer, Fitter, Pain-free Body” and more than a dozen fitness DVD’s. As seen on national television including the NBC Today Show, Better TV and GMA Health, Andrea shares her tips and advice to get people moving.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Fit After 40

Written by Andrea Metcalf originally for FitStudio
Instead of fighting the changes that often come in mid-life—a few extra pounds, personality lines, and reading glasses (menus are written in 4-point font!)–I’ve chosen to embrace these nuances. Of course, it takes some adjustments.
At one point, I could lose five or ten pounds with a week’s worth of discipline. Now that I’m older, it’s much harder to create that calorie deficit, even when I up the ante of my exercise and watch every bite I take. It’s par for the menopausal course. Still, I don’t plan on rolling over and giving up. That’s one of the advantages of getting older—stubbornness.
I’m smart about my workouts and food choices, these days, and I’m honest about what I want. I know that I’m no longer willing to spend up to two hours exercising everyday. What I am willing to do, however, is take walks, lift weights, and teach a few fitness classes each week. Sure, I have a curvier shape than the 17 percent body fat I sported in my 20’s and 30’s, but most people think I still look fit. And I’d agree.
Why should I obsess about the number on the scale, when I could just be confident and happy where I am? The most important thing, I realize, is to live a healthy lifestyle. If you’re doing that right, then where you are can be a wonderful place.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Proactive Health: Get a Flu Shot

Written By: Andrea Metcalf
Time for a flu shot
It’s the official start of cold and flu season and for those of you who opt out of the winter flu shot regiment, shame on you! You could reduce your risk of losing precious holiday time with your family from a nauseating episode of the winter flu. I’m passionate about my health that with the growing evidence about the reduction of colds as well as opting out of the flu, I’m getting a flu shot this year.
Flut shots are available everywhere and I’m having a Flucelvax shot from Walgreens. This weekend, make your holidays a little healthier by stopping into your local Walgreens store for a Flu shot. I’ll be at the Walgreens on State Street this Saturday from 2-4pm to get mine and encourage others as well. Flucelvax is now available in Chicago at Walgreens pharmacies. People can get vacinated at Walgreens, Dunne Reade and Healthcare clinics during pharmacy hours any day without an appointment.
I encourage people to be proactive about their health. There are many things you can do to be healthier and boost your immune system through the flu and cold season. Here are 5 things you can do to be healthier this winter flu season.
  1. Wash up. Washing your hands is the simplest way to keep germs from spreading. Make sure you’re able to sing the alphabet while washing your hands, in between your fingers and up to your elbow. Use a towel to dry or stay at the hand dryer for least 30 seconds to reduce risk of bacteria hangin onto your body.
  2. Stay home. If you’re sick, you should stay home. But if you have co-workers who come inot the office, encourage them to go home. When possible avoid contact with people who are coughing, sneezing, and looking like they have a cold and wash hands after talking with them.
  3. Sleep in on Weekends. Make sure you’re getting plenty of rest and get to bed early when possible. Sleep helps the body to recover and fight off infections.
  4. Drink more water. Having your body hydrated is key to optimal functioning. You should try to drink at least one full glass of water before each meal and before and after sleeping.
  5. Take a walk. Exercise helps boost the immune system and even if you have a cold, exercise can help reduce it’s intensity. When shouldn’t you exercise? When you have a temperature, nausea or severe headache.
  6. Veg out. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to boost immunity and decrease inflammation. The average American only eats 2-3 servings of fruits and vegetables total a day. Your body needs 9-11 for optimal performance and minimally five a day to thrive.
Flucelvax information:
Flucelvax does not contain preservatives or antibiotics.
Flucelvax is a seasonal flu vaccine that’s manufactured using a state-of-the-art process that uses cells to make the vaccine, instead of eggs, like most traditional flu vaccines.
Flucelvax was the first influenza virus vaccine manufactured using cell-based technology to be approved by the FDA, and it’s approved for people over the age of 18. 
To learn more about Flucelvax, you can go to or ask your pharmacist or healthcare provider for more information.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Avoid Common Mistakes to Build a Successful Fitness Brand

Written By Andrea Metcalf
The fitness industry is constantly evolving, and after seeing the technology and product changes, new research and gym partners entering the market over my 30-year career, it has been an amazing ride.
As my own personal career evolved, I realized I couldn't possibly see everyone and help them make changes for a healthier lifestyle, so I sought bigger distribution platforms to help evangelize the lifestyle that so many Americans still want but struggle to embrace. 
What I found really interesting was that it takes loads of energy to work with clients one-on-one every day, and although I wanted to make more money, the amount of hours in each week was not growing. That's when I realized I needed products, residual incomes and passive ways of making money. By utilizing my trusted networks, I could make six figures or more in this industry where others had thrown in the towel.
Here are the three biggest mistakes people make when building a fitness business:
"All about me" mentality. This simple way of thinking will derail your business. No matter how great of a club you own or how amazing of a trainer you are to your clients, you will never be successful unless you understand that business is about helping others. Many trainers and business owners forget that business works on wins. It can never be about how great you are or what you have to offer but rather how your business can help their business grow. You have to be able to clearly talk about the win-win. No one wants to help someone else just make more money. Inevitably, they will see that it is only about your success, and although they are happy that you are doing well, they want to succeed, too.
From marketing partnerships to growing your database to sharing your lists with others to promoting social causes, you have to be able to show clients and marketing partners the value of working with you. One great example is Lululemon's ambassador program, which is simply genius. They seek out the top instructors in an area where they will be opening a store and offer them free clothing and publicity in exchange for hosting free in-store classes. The arrangement allows the company to provide a service to their customers and seem more credible, plus the instructors' devoted students see what they are wearing, which drives them into the store to dress like their mentor.  This is clearly a win for the instructors, who get new clothes and publicity, as well as for Lululemon's bottom line in sales.
Inconsistent messaging. Starbucks, McDonald's and other brand icons in service delivery continue to grow because of the public expectation of getting the same product each time. Many established brands have this nailed. You have to have a clear message and stick to it. It's difficult to be the best weight loss, running, pain management and nutritious meals coach all at once. Pick your niche and stick to it in all your offerings. Every time someone is approached by your brand, it should have the same look, feel and texture. "Everything is about a healthy lifestyle" has become my adopted tag line. I want people to realize that at any point in time they can jump in and make small changes to live healthier.
Credibility factor. Brands build trust through hard work, research, staying in the know and sharing what you know for free. To grow our distribution and expertise, we have to work harder than the trainer next door, but working harder doesn't have to mean working longer. Working smart is key. Perception is reality in the consumer world, so know and share your beliefs to grow your credibility and help change the way people think about living healthy.
For more tips on building a brand, attend my session, "Personal Branding," from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 23, at the Club Industry Conference and Exposition, where I will share how to market and build your own brand as I did mine and share the steps to skip as well as the steps with which to jump on board in building your business. 
At my other session, "Make More Money: Affiliate Marketing, Free Press and Building your Distribution," from 8:45 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24, I will share specific affiliate partnerships that can help build income and grow your brand, explain how to decode these opportunities and share exclusive offers for those attending.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Exercise and Breast Cancer Connection

Written by Andrea Metcalf: orginally for FitStudio
It’s not a coincidence that we walk to raise funds to diagnose, treat and cure breast cancer. Exercising regularly–that includes walking–can help reduce your breast cancer risk and better manage side effects from treatment after you’ve been diagnosed, research reveals. Here are three reasons to keep on moving.

It protects bones. Results from one study revealed that a twelve-month step-aerobics and circuit-training program helped pre-menopausal women diagnosed with breast cancer prevent bone loss (one of the side effects of treatment). Another study found that strength-training specifically helped reduce lymphedema (swelling of the limbs) in breast cancer survivors. Lifting weights also appeared to be a positive intervention for the bone-loss associated with prostate cancer treatment. Tell your hubby.

It balances hormones. Experts say your exposure to estrogen may contribute to your likelihood of getting breast cancer. Fortunately, exercise lowers estrogen levels. The earlier you start working out, the more opportunity you have to reduce your risk. Encourage your daughters and nieces to play team sports at school and stay active on the weekends!

It manages weight. According to experts, if you are overweight or obese, you may have a higher risk for breast cancer, especially if your weight problem extends into your post-menopausal years. Suddenly, taking a walk after dinner seems more enticing than dessert!
Are you, or someone you know, a breast cancer survivor? What role has exercised played?
Andrea Metcalf is a FitStudio sponsored writer

Thursday, September 26, 2013

60 Ways to Walk

Written by Andrea Metcalf originally for Fit Studio
We’re big fans of walking at FitStudio. You can catch us comparing steps on our pedometers (click here to check out our favorite model!) and taking our sit-down meetings to foot. That got us thinking about how to spice up this basic exercise. So, we drummed up 60 creative twists that’ll keep your stride fun and fresh. Strap on your walking shoes; you’re in for a treat!
1. Walk flirty, wearing a pair of shiny, red heels.
2. Walk with your dog.
3. Walk holding hands with your kids or mate.
4. Walk during a business conference call.
5. Walk with a spiritual mind-set.
6. Walk with one eye closed.
7. Walk barefoot.
8. Walk in a park, and admire nature.
9. Walk and send texts.
10. Walk with a pedometer.
11. Walk and take pictures.
12. Walk wearing a weighted vest.
13. Walk holding light hand weights.
14. Walk and bounce a basketball.
15. Walk and throw a baseball from one hand to the other.
16. Walk pushing a stroller.
17. Walk pulling a wagon.
18. Walk balancing a book on your head.
19. Walk while carrying your child on your shoulders.
20. Walk wearing a heart rate monitor.
21. Walk with walking sticks and burn up to 30 percent more calories.
22. Walk wearing hiking boots.
23. Walk wearing toning shoes.
24. Walk wearing shaper flip flops.
25. Walk wearing compression clothes.
26. Walk on a treadmill.
27. Walk on an incline trainer.
28. “Walk” on pogo sticks.
29. “Walk” on a trampoline.
30. Walk backwards.
31. Walk sideways in a grapevine pattern.
32. Walk with a gallop.
33. Walk uphill.
34. Walk downhill.
35. Walk upstairs.
36. Walk downstairs.
37. Walk with alternating lunges.
38. Walk in a figure eight pattern.
39. Walk on your toes, like a ballerina.
40. Walk on your heels.
41. Walk while throwing punches in the air.
42. Walk holding your arms overhead.
43. Walk twisting side to side to work your waist.
44. Walk, like an Egyptian.
45. Walk with high knees.
46. Walk, like a solider, kicking your legs straight into the air.
47. Walk on your hands!
48. “Walk” doing a bear crawl.
49. Walk, like a crab, belly facing up.
50. Walk, like a frog, and jump your feet toward your hands.
51. “Walk” doing cartwheels.
52. Walk like a monkey, dragging your hands by your ankles.
53. Walk, like a racewalker.
54. Walk and sing.
55. Walk and wave, like Miss America.
56. Walk and smile at people you pass.
57. Walk and swing your arms in circles.
58. Walk and think of a good childhood memory.
59. Walk in the buff.
60. Walk dreaming of ways to walk tomorrow.
Don’t forget to check out our walking-based, multi-week workout program, Naked Fitness, and get in the best shape of your life. Click here to sign up!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ten Things You Should Know About Almonds

10 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Almonds 

Whether you like the crunch of a cinnamon roasted almond or the smoothness of almond nut butter, it seems there are many reasons to love almonds.... here are few things you probably didn’t know about almonds:

  1. Almonds rely on bees.  If there are no bees there are no nuts.  Bees help pollenate the almond trees and are shared almond California farmers during the short cycle of pollination in the spring.
  2. Almonds are a great snack source for maintaining and even losing weight. Although 1.5 ounces of almonds are the recommended snack.  Having a handful a day may help curb the hunger that comes in the afternoon when metabolism drops and cortisol levels rise.
  3. Northern California provides 80% of the almonds to the world including some 90 countries and 100% to the US -Like wine, the valley and cool breezes help the almonds grow at their best.
  4. Almond production has since doubled over the last ten years.  Over1.85 billion pounds of almonds are expected in the 2013 harvest this fall.
  5. Almonds have 6 grams of protein and 3.5 grams of fiber in a 1 ounce serving.
  6. Almonds are high in antioxidants including: magnesium copper, Vitamin B6, folate, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin E, calcium and iron.
  7. Almonds may have 20% fewer calories than originally suggested. The latest research is under review for label changes as early as 2015.
  8. Almonds are in more forms than any other nut including: milk, whole, raw, slivered, blanched, roasted, oils, butters, pastes, extracts and even covered in dark chocolate, my favorite!
  9. The tall, blonde almonds are the highest desired shape of the almond family. - Not all almonds are created equally.
  10. It takes a whole year for almonds to come to harvest. 

Having one ounce of almonds a day may make you happier, healthier and nuttier!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Five Steps to Living Healthy

Everyone wants the secret to losing weight and my top five ways to lose weight aren’t just about exercise. If you’re looking to lose a few or just live a bit healthier check out my tips on how to look, live and feel your best in five easy steps. (This post is sponsored by Yoplait but my love of fruit and good yogurt is 100% my own.)
1Take a hike! Getting outdoors is a not only refreshing but can boost your energy levels as well.. If you can’t get to a mountain, just taking a walk and noticing the neighborhood can open up your mind, reduce stressful cortisol levels and even burn a few calories. Plus the exercise revs up your metabolism and can help you get a better night’s rest. Wear a comfortable hiking shoe or walking shoe that provides stability and cushion.
2. Be Fruitful! The key to a great diet is eating more fruits and vegetables. a new Yoplait family member is Yoplait Fruitful which contains 1/3 cup of real fruit. Plus it has the benefits of yogurt that’s high in calcium and live active cultures or “probiotics”. Probiotics are the good bacteria that help promote digestive health while fruit provides the anti-oxidants you need to boost your immune system. Everyone needs to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
3.Jump on it! Believe it or not jumping whether with a rope or not helps the body build muscle and coordination. Adding jump rope or jumping on one foot can help strengthen the lower body stabilizer muscles and improve your overall muscle tone. It also is a great intense form of cardio, so alternate 30 seconds of jumping rope or hopping forward and back on one foot with a strength move to create an fat blasting bootcamp style workout. Check out Insanity workouts which combine many of these jump style moves into progressing workouts. 
4. Veg out. As important as fruits are to your health, veggies may even provide more vitality. Vegetables have higher levels of fiber compared to many fruits as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Tomatoes have lycopene and peppers have caspian both great anti-inflammatory foods to add to your diet to help your body’s metabolic processes. Many diseases including cancer and cardiovascular diseases can be reduced with eating five vegetables a day.
5.Drink Up! Water makes up 72% of your muscles and 73% of your brain and heart tissues. Making sure you are drinking enough water daily can start with a glass before each meal and one before bed and upon waking. Water should be substituted for higher calorie beverages or alternated. Although knowing whether 6-8 glasses of water is enough for you, it really comes down to your body’s excretion system. Clear urine means you’re probably hydrated. Being thristy means you’re behind and need to catch up!
Be among the first to experience the goodness of new Yoplait Fruitful, with a $.30 off couponavailable to download at the product website.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My Fitness Reminiscence (In 450 Words)

Written for Andrea Metcalf: for FitStudio

It seems as though the people who are most successful in reaching their fitness goals are those who’ve made truly made exercise a habit. It’s not something on their to-do list—it’s part of who they are. If it takes rolling out of bed at 5:30am to do their daily walk or run, then that’s what they do.
I was one of those people.
I’d been teaching more than twenty classes a week for more than twenty years. Fitness was second nature to me. Then, my life changed course: I got divorced and my career changed direction.
My ex and I owned a gym together, and I sold my share. For the first time in forever, I wasn’t teaching multiple classes—I was standing in front of TV cameras as a fitness expert and traveling nearly every week. Ironically, the more I talked about fitness, the less I actually practiced it. I felt out of sorts–I wasn’t myself. The only way to get back on track was to be honest about what was happening. These are the three truths I faced head on.
Looking good doesn’t mean I’m in shape.
My weight hadn’t changed; my clothes still fit; I was still involved with fitness research and media. But I felt a decline in my body and mind that others didn’t notice. I felt tired and not as motivated, and I couldn’t deny it.
Doing it for somebody else doesn’t work.
Last year, I was presented with the opportunity to run a marathon. Although I’m not a runner, I thought it would be the motivation I needed to get back in shape. Unfortunately, I loathed training. I cried almost every time I had to run. Ten weeks in, I completed a half marathon in the slowest time you can imagine. Six weeks before the marathon, I quit. That’s not something I do often, but I had to put my pride aside.
Rediscover my passion, and embrace it.
Once I identified the physical reason I was lethargic (low iron, low Vitamin B and D and hormone changes affecting my thyroid), I also asked myself what my life was missing. The answer was teaching. It took me years to realize how much my love for fitness was connected to me leading a class. So, now I teach whenever I can, and because of that, I’m enjoying exercise again. I even ran two miles the other morning and found myself smiling at the end, covered in sweat.
The moral of the story is that you, too, can be one of those people who hit their exercise stride. It may take some time and soul searching to get there. But don’t give up. It’s worth the wait.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Gluten-Free Trend Explained

Written by Andrea Metcalf -orginally for Womensforum

Can cutting out gluten lead to weightloss?

More and more grocery stores, restaurants, and even Domino’s take-out-pizza, are offering gluten-free options forcustomers. Gluten is a protein complex that can be found in wheat, barley, rye, and triticale. A gluten-free dietessentially excludes all bread, pastas, and even some alcoholic beverages such as beer and vodka. Gluten can even be found in soups, sauces, and anything containing flour—like breaded chicken. 

2 Reasons People Cut Out Gluten

  1. An increasing amount of individuals are being diagnosed with celiac disease, an intolerance to gluten or gluten sensitivity.
  2. Others, however, just find benefits in cutting it out such as improved cholesterol levels, digestive health, and more energy.
Gluten itself isn’t extremely unhealthy, but a lot of foods loaded with it are. Processed foods such as donuts, pastries, and cookies contain both gluten and a lot of sugar and fat. The weightloss observed by those on the gluten free diet can be attributed to healthier eating caused by avoiding gluten-containing products. Individuals who cut out gluten, and therefore these sugary treats, find themselves eating more rice, fruits, and vegetables, thus shedding off the pounds.
“In the 1950s, [there] was an aggressive program of hybridization and cross hybridization and on and on and on to get certain strains of wheat that are shorter, more durable and has more gluten in it,” said Dr. Clower of Pittsburgh.
This short wheat strand is what is found in processed foods. As gluten-containing foods are baked, a lot of the gluten is cooked out. Since bread is cooked for a shorter time than it used to be, more gluten is left in it. Therefore, much more gluten is in our foods than in years past. 
Cutting out gluten can have negative effects such as iron, fiber, and vitamin deficiency so it is important to find these in other products that don’t contain gluten. 
Gluten-free pizza crust, pasta noodles, cereal, and sauces are available in your local grocery store. They can provide you with the fiber you need without the gluten. 10 years ago, you’d never have been able to find as many gluten-free options. But now, the supply must keep up with the demand for these products.

Gluten-Free Foods

Some gluten-free snacks by Cocomojoe are the Babybar and Joebar. The babybar is perfect for young children because it is high-quality organic but also easier to chew for teething kids. The Joebar is also gluten-free and comes in multiple flavors such as cocoa, coffee, cranberry, fig and mango. These bars are filling, delicious, and fit both a gluten-free and vegan diet. You can find these products at 
Most Indian foods, as well, are entirely gluten-free. Pasta is replaced with rice, the curry is gluten-free, and most dishes are loaded with chicken or lamb. Tandoor Chef is a frozen food provider that sells pre-made meals that are entirely gluten-free. They have options ranging from Chicken Tandoori with Spinach to Vegetable Pad Thai. Tandoor Chef products are available in most major grocery stores around the United States and will fit a gluten-free diet perfectly.
Observing a gluten-free diet isn’t hard with all the options now available. The health benefits and potential weight loss has been noted, but it is vital to replace necessary nutrients you’d otherwise get in gluten-containing products.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Reality of Weight-Loss

written by: Andrea Metcalf originally for FitStudio
Losing weight, especially if it’s a significant amount, makes you feel brand new. And confident. And grateful. And, at times, confused. In fact, you might wind up in some downright strange situations. Don’t be surprised; be prepared for the following.
The alias moment. Scenario A: If you’ve lost a lot of weight, you might walk past someone you knew when you were heavier, say hello, and he or she may not even recognize you. You think, I can’t look that different! Can I? Suddenly, you feel insecure. Scenario B: Someone meets you for the first time in your slimmer body and cannot believe that you’ve been overweight. You think, I wouldn’t lie about that! Insecurity creeps in again. My advice: Take both reactions as compliments. Be ready to accept the notoriety, while you can. Your time in the spotlight will be brief (see below).
New body blues. Similar to the excitement of having a baby, the elation of losing weight eventually dissipates, leaving you with a major case of the blahs. Here’s why: Being the center of attention makes your success feel new, especially to you. When people stop noticing, you feel invisible. My suggestion is to start a bliss jar. Blissologist, Kym Douglas, advocates that you write down small acts of kindness that you encounter each day and place them into a jar. When you’re having a “humph day,” read a blissful memory to boost your mood.
Reflection rejection. You may find that, even after you’ve lost the weight, you still have the same hang-ups and fears you had when you were larger. It’s as if your mind is still overweight. Here’s when it’s time to reach out for help. Ask those closest to your heart to give you the extra reinforcement you need. Sometimes it’s best to be reminded that you’re loved and cherished no matter how you look.
Big, fat debt. Yes, you’re allowed to celebrate your new body by going on a major shopping spree. However, be careful not to break the bank and add an extra stress that could lead you back to unhealthy behaviors, like comfort-eating. Remember, you’re in this new body for the long haul. You have the rest of your life to adjust.

Monday, August 19, 2013

What Are You Waiting For?

Written By: Andrea Metcalf, originally for Fitstudio

We’ve all had that “stuck” feeling, when you’re caught in an unhealthy pattern and don’t know what to do about it. Your motivation to make any sort of positive change seems to dissolve by the day. You’re waiting for a jolt of lightening to shock you into action, but it never comes. I know what that’s like.
For me, it happened when I started putting on weight while traveling for work. Week after week, I would look in the mirror and just see a blob. I felt guilty about skipping workouts and my sadness would trigger uncontrollable chocolate cravings. I didn’t know where or how to turn the corner. I’m supposed to be a healthy lifestyle expert, I thought, but the answers weren’t coming to me quickly enough. It took a few weeks, but here’s what I finally figured out.
Step 1. Wake up. You have to realize that those unhealthy thoughts and behaviors are not true to your authentic self or who you want to be. My moment of truth occurred when I finally stepped on the scale and saw a number that I couldn’t ignore.
Step 2. Strike a bargain. Instead of waiting for motivation, approach the issue unemotionally. Think about what you can do to pull yourself out of the rut you’re in. I decided to bring my gym shoes to the airport and wear my workout clothes on the plane. I figured that if I could do 15-20 minutes of walking before I got on the plane, I could blaze right past that chocolate muffin stand.
Step 3. Keep taking action. Change happens because of what you do, not how you feel. I believe that every obstacle is an opportunity to confirm your inner strength and realign your actions with your true direction. I was stuck in autopilot and lost track of practicing the lifestyle that I preach. Now that I’ve reengaged, I’m grateful for what I went through. Keep in mind that we all tend to drift off course, but you can always find your way back. It’s part of the growing process.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Health News: Cell Phone Anxiety

Written by Andrea Metcalf for

Is your cell phone ruling your life?

We’ve all done it before—frantically searched the house for a cell phone only to realize it’s already in hand. Our cell phones have almost become an extension of our arms as we go through our day texting, calling, and browsing socialmedia. This phenomenon of cell phone separation anxiety is affecting more and more of us, especially those who depend on it for business.

Are Cell Phones Dangerous?

Not only does heavy cell phone use infringe on your life, but it may propose a health concern as well. Cell phones emit radiofrequency energy as part of signal sending. Basically, it's a form of radiation. Radiofrequency energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation. This radiation isn’t the same kind that occurs with X-rays or chemotherapy, however. It is more comparable to the kind of radiation that takes place with microwaves. This doesn’t mean it isn’t harmful—the form of radiation that occurs from cell phone use can heat up your tissue.
The lasting effects of this radiation is still unknown.

Are You Obsessed With Your Cell Phone?

If more than five of these apply, you may need to take a break from your cell phone:
  • You carry your cell phone in your hand instead of putting it in your purse
  • You keep your cell phone face-up on the table when you’re out to dinner and immediately pick it up when it lights up (talk about a date buzz-kill!)
  • You prop your cell phone on your dashboard while driving
  • You’ve invested in a waterproof case just so you can take it to the beach
  • You sleep with your phone in bed with you instead of keeping it on the nightstand or another part of the bedroom
  • You bring it to exercise class and pretend to listen to music
  • You glance at your phone expectantly if it hasn’t rang or buzzed in 10 minutes
  • You hold your cell phone on your lap even when you’re at the dentist
  • You take your cell phone with you even when walking the dog
Put that phone down and go for a walk—just you and your dog. Hit the beach and leave the phone at home, chances are, any calls you miss won’t be as important as enjoying time with your friends and family.
Not only are you enjoying your life more, but you may also be potentially saving yourself from future health concerns.