Thursday, June 27, 2013


Written by Andrea Metcalf for FitStudio
Kid-Friendly Fitness Gear
Getting your kids to exercise isn’t necessarily a fair fight. You’re battling against hi-tech gadgets that take them on virtual adventures. Still, nothing beats experiencing the real thing. And if you present exercise as a time when they can truly cut loose, you might just pique their interest. Use these fun and simple tools as bait for an active, real-world play date.
  1. Stability ball. Dodge ball probably ranks among the top three games you loved to play as a child (unless you were the one always getting slaughtered!). And dodge ball still rocks! Use your stability ball to play a game of “hit or be hit” in the backyard, and recruit the entire family, friends and neighbors. Everyone will get an excellent cardiovascular workout, with all the sprinting and jumping and hurling involved. The non-stop laughing counts as exercise, too! Click here to get the gear!
  2. Hula hoop. Blast some hip-hop music and get your kids to work their hips! Hula hoops may be a throwback accessory, but the motion never goes out of style. Your waistline doesn’t have to be the only anchor either. Get your kids to hoop on their arms, legs and ankles. They can even do it sitting or lying down. Make it a game by switching hooping positions after every song. They’ll get a total-body workout and feel it the next day. Click here to get the gear!
  3. Slip n’ slide. One easy way to get your kids off their tushies? Just add water! They’ll have the time of their lives sprinting, diving, sliding and splashing (all of which are active verbs!) for hours on end with their friends. In fact, the hardest part may be getting them to pack it away. Click here to get the gear!
  4. Just Dance: Disney Party for Xbox 360. Say it’s a rainy Saturday and your kids are begging to watch another hour of TV. Encourage them to be the entertainment instead of watching it. “Just Dance” lets them start a dance party on the spot. They can create their own pop music playlists, learn choreography, battle against each other, and vie for the title of “best dancer in the house.” Click here to get the game!

Friday, June 21, 2013


Written by Andrea Metcalf for FitStudio
The Motivation Roller Coaster
Motivation is defined as the ability to push yourself toward your goals. In short, it’s a head game. That means you’ll have to contend with yourself and get out of your own way. The secret to mastering this mental roller coaster is to learn how to ride the ups and downs. Use these tricks to stay on track.
You feel: Revved & ready
You’re inching toward the first drop on the roller coaster and filled with excitement and energy. The voice in your head says something like this: Nothing could possibly go wrong. I’m infallible — no, I’m indefatigable. I’ve got this!
Your motivating move: Ride it out, like a rock star. Get the most you can from your high: Launch into a new running program, join an adult sports team, start a walking club at work. You’ll come down to earth soon enough.
You feel: A twinge of fear
You know how it is when you feel that first drop on a roller coaster, and your stomach ping-pongs from your throat to your chest? You’re getting a taste of what you’re in for and realize that this new road is a little scary. It’s common to slip back into old behaviors for comfort. The key is not to get stuck there.
Your motivating move: Write down at least three specific things that you did well, pre-fall. Perhaps you were getting more sleep, keeping healthy snacks on hand, or staying connected with positive friends. When you specify what you’ve done well, you also lay out a path to get back on track. It’ll come in handy later.
You feel: Bumped & bruised
After that first big drop, the recovery period follows. Sure, you’ll feel a little less super than you did initially, but that’s actually a good thing. Now you can think realistically about your goals and arm yourself with the tools you need to succeed.
Your motivating move: Refer to the list of three specific things you’ve done well, and slowly begin to implement them daily. This way, you allow your routine to change gradually and naturally, so it’s not a shock to the system.
You feel: Calm but cautious
The good news is you’ve recovered from the worst of it with your head attached. Don’t get too comfortable, though. A sudden drop or loop may be lurking in the distance. The best thing to do is remain relaxed and stay vigilant at once. How?
Your motivating move: Switch things up. Sign up for tennis lessons or an Italian cooking class; book an active vacation. Taking on an unconventional challenge adds a fun twist to your routine and teaches you new skills. It’s a win-win.
You feel: Darn proud…and relieved
You’ve faced every death drop and gnarly turn and conquered your fears to boot. Perhaps the greatest success, beyond reaching your goal, is the empowered, new you that’s evolved along the way.
Your motivating move: Put your hands up and scream!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

8 Super Foods to Help You Live Longer

Written by Andrea Metcalf for


Eat these foods to lose weight.

It's not a secret! What you put into your body can help your body thrive or dive - but, believe it or not, eating healthy doesn't have to be difficult. Try adding in these eight super foods at least three times a week for improved health and energy. You may even drop a few pounds!

8 Foods You Should Be Eating

1. Leafy Greens

Kale, collard greens, spinach, mustard greens, swiss chard and even the greens from beets at the open market can be steamed, chopped, sauteed or used in your salads. If you're not heating these greens, you'll want to make sure to add some salad dressing to them about 10 to 30 minutes beforehand to soften the chew and enhance the flavor. These greens contain vitamins A, C, K, folate, iron, lutein, magnesium, calcium and fiber.

2. Sweet Potatoes

Everybody loves sweet potato fries, but they aren't necessarily the most healthy way to eat sweet potatoes. Bake a whole sweet potato, then use clove, nutmeg, cinnamon or cumin to flavor it, instead of just butter and brown sugar. Sweet potatoes are a good source of vitamin C, potassium and fiber.

3. Broccoli

These small dinosaur trees are a great source of vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin C, cartonoids and fiber.  Try a little fresh lemon juice with fresh ground pepper or a drizzle of ginger honey to make them delicious.

4. Wild Salmon

Omega-3's are abundant in fatty cold-water fish like salmon and salmon are the fit fish that do resistance training their entire lives - they swim upstream against the current, so they're lean and perfect for eating. My favorite is to take a 4 ounce filet, skin side down, in a little bit of hot olive oil. Cover it with a lid on medium high heat for four minutes, and then turn off the heat for four more minutes to steam. It's super easy and great with just a little Himalayan sea salts and fresh, ground pepper.

5. Watermelon

It's not just for picnics or summertime! Watermelon is high in water content, vitamins A and C, potassium and nice doses of lycopene (like in tomatoes). You can add watermelon to salads for some sweet, fresh flavor. My personal favorite is mixing one-inch squares of watermelon with sliced, fresh, plum tomatoes and fresh, part-skim mozzarella.

6. Garbanzo Beans

Beans, beans the magical fruit are wonderful for your diet and provide lean protein and fiber! Add them to salads, soups, stews or couscous. They are full of iron, zinc, magnesium and potassium.

7. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is all the rage, and there are more and more brands you can choose from in the yogurt section of the grocery store. But just remember that not all yogurts are created equal. Look for ones with active live cultures and at least ten grams of protein for 150 calories. Some are disguised with high sugars and shouldn't qualify as being Greek!

8. Mangoes

Just one cup of mango supplies a full day's worth of vitamin C. Plus it has three grams of fiber, potassium and a sweet flavor to add to any fish dish or smoothie. And with that thick skin, even if you don't choose organic, mangoes tend to have less pesticides than berries.
These delicious super foods will keep you happy and healthy, so don't be afraid to indulge in them!

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Find Your Fit Balance
Does the thought of meditating make you fidgety? Thought so! That’s why we figured out how you can work up a sweat and feel the “Om” calm at once. Use these mental moves to reflect and project a fitter, calmer you.

Before Your Workout

Think. Free your mind. Turn off your chirping BlackBerry, take six deep breaths, and let your tensions float away.
Speak. “I deserve this praise of my body!” And you do—exercising celebrates you in an active way.
Imagine. A sweaty, invigorating session. Envision that you’ve completed your routine and feel energized and confident afterward.

During Your Workout

Think. “My time is now.” Hone in on the precise form of the movement or exercise you’re performing at that moment.
Count. One through eight—it’ll help keep your mind and attention from drifting away from the task at hand. Wearing headphones or earbuds may also help you stay in the zone.
Breathe. On the inhale, draw in your breath deeply through your nose, expand your diaphragm, and keep your shoulders relaxed. Exhale through your mouth, as you pull your belly inward.

After Your Workout

Think. “I did it!” You’ve generated positive, healthy energy into your day. Keep it going!
Speak. Even better, announce your congratulations loud and proud. “Go, me! I rock!”
Release. Lie down with your back on a mat, arms at your side, eyes closed. Focus on melting every inch of your body into the floor. Just. Let. Go.

Written for FitStudio by Andrea Metcalf