Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Gluten-Free Trend Explained

Written by Andrea Metcalf -orginally for Womensforum

Can cutting out gluten lead to weightloss?

More and more grocery stores, restaurants, and even Domino’s take-out-pizza, are offering gluten-free options forcustomers. Gluten is a protein complex that can be found in wheat, barley, rye, and triticale. A gluten-free dietessentially excludes all bread, pastas, and even some alcoholic beverages such as beer and vodka. Gluten can even be found in soups, sauces, and anything containing flour—like breaded chicken. 

2 Reasons People Cut Out Gluten

  1. An increasing amount of individuals are being diagnosed with celiac disease, an intolerance to gluten or gluten sensitivity.
  2. Others, however, just find benefits in cutting it out such as improved cholesterol levels, digestive health, and more energy.
Gluten itself isn’t extremely unhealthy, but a lot of foods loaded with it are. Processed foods such as donuts, pastries, and cookies contain both gluten and a lot of sugar and fat. The weightloss observed by those on the gluten free diet can be attributed to healthier eating caused by avoiding gluten-containing products. Individuals who cut out gluten, and therefore these sugary treats, find themselves eating more rice, fruits, and vegetables, thus shedding off the pounds.
“In the 1950s, [there] was an aggressive program of hybridization and cross hybridization and on and on and on to get certain strains of wheat that are shorter, more durable and has more gluten in it,” said Dr. Clower of Pittsburgh.
This short wheat strand is what is found in processed foods. As gluten-containing foods are baked, a lot of the gluten is cooked out. Since bread is cooked for a shorter time than it used to be, more gluten is left in it. Therefore, much more gluten is in our foods than in years past. 
Cutting out gluten can have negative effects such as iron, fiber, and vitamin deficiency so it is important to find these in other products that don’t contain gluten. 
Gluten-free pizza crust, pasta noodles, cereal, and sauces are available in your local grocery store. They can provide you with the fiber you need without the gluten. 10 years ago, you’d never have been able to find as many gluten-free options. But now, the supply must keep up with the demand for these products.

Gluten-Free Foods

Some gluten-free snacks by Cocomojoe are the Babybar and Joebar. The babybar is perfect for young children because it is high-quality organic but also easier to chew for teething kids. The Joebar is also gluten-free and comes in multiple flavors such as cocoa, coffee, cranberry, fig and mango. These bars are filling, delicious, and fit both a gluten-free and vegan diet. You can find these products at 
Most Indian foods, as well, are entirely gluten-free. Pasta is replaced with rice, the curry is gluten-free, and most dishes are loaded with chicken or lamb. Tandoor Chef is a frozen food provider that sells pre-made meals that are entirely gluten-free. They have options ranging from Chicken Tandoori with Spinach to Vegetable Pad Thai. Tandoor Chef products are available in most major grocery stores around the United States and will fit a gluten-free diet perfectly.
Observing a gluten-free diet isn’t hard with all the options now available. The health benefits and potential weight loss has been noted, but it is vital to replace necessary nutrients you’d otherwise get in gluten-containing products.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Reality of Weight-Loss

written by: Andrea Metcalf originally for FitStudio
Losing weight, especially if it’s a significant amount, makes you feel brand new. And confident. And grateful. And, at times, confused. In fact, you might wind up in some downright strange situations. Don’t be surprised; be prepared for the following.
The alias moment. Scenario A: If you’ve lost a lot of weight, you might walk past someone you knew when you were heavier, say hello, and he or she may not even recognize you. You think, I can’t look that different! Can I? Suddenly, you feel insecure. Scenario B: Someone meets you for the first time in your slimmer body and cannot believe that you’ve been overweight. You think, I wouldn’t lie about that! Insecurity creeps in again. My advice: Take both reactions as compliments. Be ready to accept the notoriety, while you can. Your time in the spotlight will be brief (see below).
New body blues. Similar to the excitement of having a baby, the elation of losing weight eventually dissipates, leaving you with a major case of the blahs. Here’s why: Being the center of attention makes your success feel new, especially to you. When people stop noticing, you feel invisible. My suggestion is to start a bliss jar. Blissologist, Kym Douglas, advocates that you write down small acts of kindness that you encounter each day and place them into a jar. When you’re having a “humph day,” read a blissful memory to boost your mood.
Reflection rejection. You may find that, even after you’ve lost the weight, you still have the same hang-ups and fears you had when you were larger. It’s as if your mind is still overweight. Here’s when it’s time to reach out for help. Ask those closest to your heart to give you the extra reinforcement you need. Sometimes it’s best to be reminded that you’re loved and cherished no matter how you look.
Big, fat debt. Yes, you’re allowed to celebrate your new body by going on a major shopping spree. However, be careful not to break the bank and add an extra stress that could lead you back to unhealthy behaviors, like comfort-eating. Remember, you’re in this new body for the long haul. You have the rest of your life to adjust.

Monday, August 19, 2013

What Are You Waiting For?

Written By: Andrea Metcalf, originally for Fitstudio

We’ve all had that “stuck” feeling, when you’re caught in an unhealthy pattern and don’t know what to do about it. Your motivation to make any sort of positive change seems to dissolve by the day. You’re waiting for a jolt of lightening to shock you into action, but it never comes. I know what that’s like.
For me, it happened when I started putting on weight while traveling for work. Week after week, I would look in the mirror and just see a blob. I felt guilty about skipping workouts and my sadness would trigger uncontrollable chocolate cravings. I didn’t know where or how to turn the corner. I’m supposed to be a healthy lifestyle expert, I thought, but the answers weren’t coming to me quickly enough. It took a few weeks, but here’s what I finally figured out.
Step 1. Wake up. You have to realize that those unhealthy thoughts and behaviors are not true to your authentic self or who you want to be. My moment of truth occurred when I finally stepped on the scale and saw a number that I couldn’t ignore.
Step 2. Strike a bargain. Instead of waiting for motivation, approach the issue unemotionally. Think about what you can do to pull yourself out of the rut you’re in. I decided to bring my gym shoes to the airport and wear my workout clothes on the plane. I figured that if I could do 15-20 minutes of walking before I got on the plane, I could blaze right past that chocolate muffin stand.
Step 3. Keep taking action. Change happens because of what you do, not how you feel. I believe that every obstacle is an opportunity to confirm your inner strength and realign your actions with your true direction. I was stuck in autopilot and lost track of practicing the lifestyle that I preach. Now that I’ve reengaged, I’m grateful for what I went through. Keep in mind that we all tend to drift off course, but you can always find your way back. It’s part of the growing process.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Health News: Cell Phone Anxiety

Written by Andrea Metcalf for

Is your cell phone ruling your life?

We’ve all done it before—frantically searched the house for a cell phone only to realize it’s already in hand. Our cell phones have almost become an extension of our arms as we go through our day texting, calling, and browsing socialmedia. This phenomenon of cell phone separation anxiety is affecting more and more of us, especially those who depend on it for business.

Are Cell Phones Dangerous?

Not only does heavy cell phone use infringe on your life, but it may propose a health concern as well. Cell phones emit radiofrequency energy as part of signal sending. Basically, it's a form of radiation. Radiofrequency energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation. This radiation isn’t the same kind that occurs with X-rays or chemotherapy, however. It is more comparable to the kind of radiation that takes place with microwaves. This doesn’t mean it isn’t harmful—the form of radiation that occurs from cell phone use can heat up your tissue.
The lasting effects of this radiation is still unknown.

Are You Obsessed With Your Cell Phone?

If more than five of these apply, you may need to take a break from your cell phone:
  • You carry your cell phone in your hand instead of putting it in your purse
  • You keep your cell phone face-up on the table when you’re out to dinner and immediately pick it up when it lights up (talk about a date buzz-kill!)
  • You prop your cell phone on your dashboard while driving
  • You’ve invested in a waterproof case just so you can take it to the beach
  • You sleep with your phone in bed with you instead of keeping it on the nightstand or another part of the bedroom
  • You bring it to exercise class and pretend to listen to music
  • You glance at your phone expectantly if it hasn’t rang or buzzed in 10 minutes
  • You hold your cell phone on your lap even when you’re at the dentist
  • You take your cell phone with you even when walking the dog
Put that phone down and go for a walk—just you and your dog. Hit the beach and leave the phone at home, chances are, any calls you miss won’t be as important as enjoying time with your friends and family.
Not only are you enjoying your life more, but you may also be potentially saving yourself from future health concerns.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

6 Foods to Avoid Before Your Workout

Written by Andrea Metcalf for

Poor meal choices can reduce the results of your workout.

If you want to get the most of your workouts, you must understand that nutrition is 75% of the equation for your fitness results. After all, you can't run away from calories and nutrients when it comes to nourishing and restoring your body after a strenuous workout.
But, what you eat before your workout can make a difference as well.
If your workout is lasting more than 90 minutes, you will most likely need a few extra carbohydrates, electrolytes and water as well. A sports beverage works well, but water with a touch of salt and an apple can work too.
There are certain foods that you should avoid to get the most of out of your workout. Foods you eat before a workout could cut your workout short due to indigestion, bloating, or they could even make you throw up!
Here are six foods to avoid before a workout.

1. Spicy Foods

Many spicy foods can upset even a calm stomach or cause acid reflux in many people. Avoid tacos, burritos and other spicy foods. Although hot spicy peppers that contain caspian are good for anti-inflammatory effects, they aren't the best for pre-workout.

2. Dairy

Milk, yogurt, and even cheese should be avoided before a workout. Although they are high in calcium, which your body needs, for many people, the lactose can upset your stomach during a workout.

3. Alcohol

Although this may sound like a no-brainer, alcohol should be avoided before a workout and even the night before an extended workout session or competitive event. The breakdown of alcohol takes a lot of energy for the digestive system and may intensify that hangover.

4. French Fries

Although a baked potato may be a good idea, french fries are not. The high fat content will sit in the stomach and cause indigestion.

5. High Fiber Veggies

Veggies are great for your diet, but not before workout especially cauliflower, broccoli, and lettuces. Skip the salad before your workout.

6. Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks like soda may cause belching and other gas-related issues. Skip the diet drinks as well.
Don't reduce the effects of your workout with a bad meal choice.
For more health and wellness tips, check out my website.