Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Why You Need To Eat Summer’s All American Fruit: Watermelon

It is sweetest in the summer and the iconic green fruit with the fleshy, sweet center: WATERMELON.   But not only does this fruit make for a great dessert at a picnic, but there are several other reasons to eat more watermelon.

  1. Make your heart healthy. Your heart will love watermelon for its high content of lycopene.  Although most people have heard that lycopene is found in tomatoes and the benefits for heart health but lycopene is what makes watermelon red with those same benefits. Keep in mind, watermelon also has potassium which is a key nutrient for heart function.   
  2. Make your bones stronger. Due to the high potassium content in watermelon, it can strengthen your bones indirectly.   Potassium helps retain calcium which helps build strong bones. 
  3. Helps you lose weight. Because watermelon is 90% water and low in calories, it’s a great cheat food for your diet.  Also keep in mind a whole watermelon only has XXX calories.  Could you eat one yourself?
  4. Helps you fight off colds and flu  Watermelon has high levels of vitamin C.  Vitamin C plays an important role in healing wounds and boosting your immunity. 
  5. Helps boost your boyfriend’s sex drive. Believe it or not, watermelon may be a natural viagra.  According to a study from Texas A& M, citruline the amino acid in watermelon, increases arousal in males.  Serve it up in a spritzer or slice it up on date night instead of the little blue pills.

Although watermelon season is limited for most parts of the country, make sure you get while its hot~literally.