Written by: Andrea Metcalf
There is a big trend in “barre” classes these days with gyms dedicated to soley these types of classes like The Barre Method in the Gold Coast or Barbee Fit in Lincoln Park. Even Flirty Girl Fitness has two barre classes on their schedule with Vertical Barre Fit and Length Traiing classes. But a new comer to the market place is offering “The Ultimate Barre Class” called Cie La Plie at Vie Custom Fitness.
But whether you’re leaving home to attend a class or trying a few moves at home, these simple barre moves can be performed with a solid chair or barstool.
Leg Swings Front - Standing one hand on the chair swing your leg front to back opening the front of the thigh and hamstring. This is a great exercise for anyone who is a runner, sits many hours in a day or has low back pain. Swing front to back for 10-12 repetitions and repeat on the other side.
Leg Swings Across - Standing one hand on the chair swing your leg across the body keeping foot pointed up towards the ceiling. This dynamic stretch opens the IT band ( iliotibia band) which tichtens and puts pressure on the lower back. Thus this is another great exercise for anyone who is a runner, sits many hours in a day or has low back pain. Swing side to side for 10-12 repetitions and repeat on the other side.
Jete - A “jete is a straight leg kick. Perform 8 kicks straight ahead, 8 kicks to the front corner, then rear corner and straight behind. Be sure to have one hand onto the base to remain standing tall, with abs pulled in and chest lifted.
Demi Side Kick. With a slight lean onto the base lift leg to the side. Holding leg parallel to the side bring knee to chest and contract abs, then extend leg to the side. This pulled in knee and kick should be performed with a long stretch at the kicking portion and perofrmed 12-15 times then repeated on the other side.
Leg Swings Across - Standing one hand on the chair swing your leg across the body keeping foot pointed up towards the ceiling. This dynamic stretch opens the IT band ( iliotibia band) which tichtens and puts pressure on the lower back. Thus this is another great exercise for anyone who is a runner, sits many hours in a day or has low back pain. Swing side to side for 10-12 repetitions and repeat on the other side.
Jete - A “jete is a straight leg kick. Perform 8 kicks straight ahead, 8 kicks to the front corner, then rear corner and straight behind. Be sure to have one hand onto the base to remain standing tall, with abs pulled in and chest lifted.
Demi Side Kick. With a slight lean onto the base lift leg to the side. Holding leg parallel to the side bring knee to chest and contract abs, then extend leg to the side. This pulled in knee and kick should be performed with a long stretch at the kicking portion and perofrmed 12-15 times then repeated on the other side.
Vie Custom Fitness will be offering FREE classes on Monday and Wednesday 6am and 6:15pm as well as Wednesdays at 9am the weeks of December 9th and 16th. Sign up at www.VieCustomFitness.com
For more information check out the segment on NBC Chicago Saturday Nov. 30th. Thanks to my demo models and awesome fitness instructors:
Natalia (Coach Natalia) Teaches Advanced Bikini Boot Camp at Flirty Girl Fitness Sundays at noon. It is the only advanced class on the schedule.
Lisa teaches pole dance and yoga at Flirty Girl Fitness. She is passionate about pole dance and hopes to compete professionally this year. www.facebook.com/LisaMichelleLove